06 February 2010


In honor of my upcoming birthday and love of getting dressed, I present my first outfit post.

Last night I was taken out by two friends from school for a few pre-birthday drinks at the Mollie Fontaine Lounge
(I had a Mojito!) in Memphis.

For the occasion, I decided to wear a dress that has been sitting in my closet for over a year untouched.

purple dress: French Connection via eBay
leopard print cardigan: TJ Maxx
brown herringbone tights: Gap
brown suede boots: Michael Kors via eBay

1 comment:

  1. hi! just wanted to say hello and that I think you are an interesting person. You have a very approachable look and tone here. I am happy I found you. I never know if people have comment notifications or ever check back posts to see if people read all the way back and commented , so there is a pretty good chance that you may never get this. I will comment on your latest one too. And say Hi. happy to meet you and welcome!


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