09 February 2010

Snow (Birth)Day

These photos are from my birthday yesterday. Look at all that fluffy snow! It has snowed three times in Memphis this year, which is very unusual. My campus was closed down and I decided to wear something really comfortable for a day at home. This cardigan has proven to be very cozy and the Doc Martens are quite effective when crunching around in the snow. All in all, not a bad way to start my 23rd year. Two friends came over for my birthday dinner. Friedrich & I made a delicious lasagna with Boston creme pie for dessert!

plaid shirt: Urban Outfitters
cocoon sweater: Urban Outfitters
jeans: Gap
boots: Dr. Martens via Ebay

1 comment:

  1. it can be fun to take jars of colored liquids and douse them all over the snow randomly in peoples yards. pickle juice is always a good one :). its nice to have color again sometimes


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